Sonny Melencio

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[Original articles published in English on Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal] May 9, 2016 -- Traduido para Sin Permiso por Enrique García -- El aumento espectacular de las expectativas de Rodrigo Duterte (foto), alcalde de la sureña ciudad de Davao, que ahora lidera las encuestas cara a las elecciones presidenciales del 9 de mayo en Filipinas, ha sacudido el panorama político del país. Su campaña desde fuera del sistema, al hablar de la necesidad de una "revolución Duterte" contra el fraude electoral, que se prepara para evitar su elección, ha galvanizado gran parte del descontento existente con la clase política.
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The phenomenal rise of Rodrigo Duterte (pictured), the mayor of the southern city of Davao who is now leading in the polls ahead of the May 9 Philippines presidential elections, has shaken up the country's political landscape. His outsider campaign, with talk of the need for a "Duterte revolution" against expected electoral fraud to prevent his election, has galvanized much of the existing discontent towards the political class. Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal have republished two pieces, one by Sonny Melencio from the Party of the Labouring Masses, and the other by left Senate candidate Walden Bello, looking at what the Duterte phenomenon means for the Philippines and the left.