
Álvaro García Linera discusses the current deadlock in the struggle for hegemony, the failures and horizons of progressive politics in Latin America, and the growth and limitations of the right.
Statements in defence of Brazilian and Indian socialists facing repression for standing in solidarity with Palestine.
Esteban Mercatante discusses how recent global shifts in processes of capital accumulation have contributed to China’s rise, the new (and old) mechanisms big powers use to plunder the Global South, and its implications for anti-imperialist and working-class struggles today.
The following thesis has been submitted by the Socialist Left Movement (MES) and its allies for discussion at the PSOL's 8th Congress.
Luana Alves gives her view of the political situation in Brazil, discusses the dangers of “class conciliation” and explains why more needs to be done to fight Putin’s propaganda.
Patrick Bond — The BRICS summit in Johannesburg concluded on August 24 after a major disappointment: the long-overdue challenge to U.S. dollar hegemony was stillborn due to the bloc’s conservative forces.
Patrick Bond — Talk of a “BRICS+” with new members and a “de-dollarization” agenda are raising the profile of this network to an unprecedented — and unrealistic — level.
Israel Dutra, of the Brazilian Socialist Left Movement (MES) within the Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL), speaks to Federico Fuentes about Putin’s war and Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s peace proposal. Dutra also discusses the twin challenge facing the international left today: inter-imperialist rivalry and combating the extreme right.
Israel Dutra — Our tactic must be to combine the struggle against the far right with defending PSOL's independence.
Israel Dutra & Thiago Aguiar — The death of Marielle Franco and Anderson Gomes was, without a doubt, the most important political assassination in Brazil's recent history.
Israel Dutra & Roberto Robaina - We will take to the street demonstrations, raising the flag that there be no forgiveness for those responsible of genocide and coup-plotters. Without amnesty and with the maximum democratic mobilization.
Dave Kellaway reflects on Pele’s art and football’s role in the capitalist spectacle.