latin america

Pedro Fuentes discusses imperialism’s new phase, ecological crisis and "accumulation by dispossession", the unpredictability of contemporary politics and the need for a new internationalism.
Bruno Magalhâes & Israel Dutra — The conference represented a new milestone for the Socialist Left Movement amid Brazil’s current challenges.
Reinaldo Iturriza looks at the realignment of forces following the Barbados agreement and the lack of representation of the disaffiliated popular masses in Venezuela.
Álvaro García Linera discusses the current deadlock in the struggle for hegemony, the failures and horizons of progressive politics in Latin America, and the growth and limitations of the right.
An interview with Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council member Duran Kalkan.
Luana Alves gives her view of the political situation in Brazil, discusses the dangers of “class conciliation” and explains why more needs to be done to fight Putin’s propaganda.
Richard Fidler — On the 50th anniversary of the coup in Chile, it seems appropriate to look back at the Chilean experience and to think about the lessons to be learned for today’s Left and progressive movements.
Steve Ellner — The war on Venezuela, along with other unfavorable conditions, lent itself to Maduro’s defensive strategy. However, that approach was not without a major risk.
Antonio Neto & Jorge Escalante — There are at least two possible scenarios: either a reactionary government with fascist traits is consolidated or we move forward with a process of structural changes. What is at stake is the future of Peru.
Mariano Schuster & Pablo Stefanoni — The Argentine primary elections caused a political earthquake, with libertarian Javier Milei taking first place and Peronism coming in third. Never before has the radicalized right won so many votes.
Reinaldo Iturriza looks back at the history of communes and how they are supposed to be more than "appendages" of state institutions.
Ociel Alí López — With two weeks to go before Ecuador's presidential elections, what obstacles does Correísmo face in defeating its right-wing opponents? Will Luisa González become Ecuador's first elected woman president?