US imperialism

John Smith, author of "Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation, and Capitalism’s Final Crisis", discusses the realities of imperialism today and what it means for those fighting for a socialist future.
In a hypothetical therapy session, Andreína Chávez looks at how the Venezuelan government could deal with traumatic events and focus on the path forward.
Murray Smith — The war in Ukraine has cast a harsh light on the radical left in Europe, revealing the best and the worst.
Venezuela is the target of a brutal economic blockade. Gregory Wilpert helps us understand why.
Marty Hart-Landsberg — There is a lot of talk lately about the federal budget, with Democrats and Republicans arguing over whether to raise the debt ceiling. But you know what they never argue about: financing the military.
Jase Short — Moscow is not in conflict with the imperial powers of the West because it represents an alternative, but because it wants to play the game, too.
Michael Pröbsting — Politicians of Western governments never tire of asserting that aid from the US and EU for Ukraine is “unprecedented”.
Chris Slee — Even those who deny that Russia is an imperialist power should recognise that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was a gift to US imperialism and that peace negotiations will only succeed if Russia ends its invasion.
Steve Ellner — Two conflicting leftist positions on Latin America’s wave of progressive governments known as the Pink Tide have become increasingly well-defined over the last two decades.
Michael Pröbsting — Relations between Great Powers cannot be understood in isolation but rather have to be viewed in the context of fundamental class contradictions within a given historical stage of a mode of production.
Howie Hawkins, a retired Teamsters union warehouse worker, former US Green Party presidential candidate and ecosocialist, discusses the formation of the Ukraine Solidarity Network (US) and the challenges of building solidarity with Ukraine while opposing US imperialism.